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Tribes of Chhattisgarh

Tribal languages of Chhattisgarh

  1. 45% Proto Australoid features are found in all tribes of Chhattisgarh.
  2. Munda, Korba, Manjhi,, Kharia, Gadba, Birhor, Sanwara etc. speak languages of Australoid family.
  3. Main languages of Dravid family are Gondi or Koya, Kudukh of Uraons, Dorla and Parja etc.
  4. The tribes who have adopted Chhattisgarhi as their language are Kanwar, Bijhwar, Bhunjia, Dhanwar, Bhaina, Baiga and Halba etc.
  5. The richest languages of tribes of Chhattisgarh are Gondi, Halbi and Munda. Gondi and Halbi also have a rich literature.
  6. The only newspaper of the State published in tribal languages Gondi and Halbi as Bastaria which is published from Jagdalpur.

Research and Books on Tribes of Chhattisgarh

  1. One of the first researcher on Tribes of Chhattisgarh was Verrier Elwin who has written books like The Baiga, The religion of Indian Tribes, The Murias and their Ghotul, The Agaria, Muria murder and suicide etc.
  2. Another researcher was W B Gearson who has written – The muria Gond of Bastar.
  3. Ex-collector of Bastar and fanour social scientist Brhamdev Sharma has written any books – Adivasi Vikas – Ek Saidhantik Vivechan, Adivasi Swashasan etc.
  4. Other books – Bastar Bhushan by Kedarnath Thakur,Adivasiyon ke beechby Shrichand Jain etc.

Jewelry of Tribes of Chhattisgarh

  1. Lurki – It is worn in ears and is made of bronze, silver, copper etc. It is also called Karna Phool or Khinwa.
  2. Kardhan– It is made of silver, gilat or fake silver. It is quite heavy and is worn in the waist as a belt by women. It is also called kardhani.
  3. Sutia– It is worn in the neck. It is made of Alluminium, Gilat, silver bronze etc. It is solid and heavy.
  4. Bahunta– It worn on the arm like an armband both by men and women. It is made of silerm gilat etc. In Bhaina tribe it is called a Pahunchi. Bhunjia call it a Banoria.
  5. Bichhia–It is worn on the toes. It is made of silver. Baigas call it Chutki.
  6. Ainthi – It is worn on the wrist. It is made of silver of gilat. It is also called Kakna or Guletha.
  7. Bandha– It is worn in the neck. It is made of old coins of silver.
  8. Phuli – It is worn in the nose and is made of silver or bronze. It is also made of gold. It is also called a long.
  9. Dhamel– It is a solid ornament worn in the neck. It is made of silver of gilat and is also called Saria or hansuli.
  10. Nagkori– It is worn on the wrist.
  11. Khonchni– It is worn in the head and is put in the hair. In Bastar Muria boys make it with wood. In many places it is also made of silver and gilat and also sometime made of stone. Now-a-days it is also made of plastic and used as a comb when it is called a Kakwa.
  12. Mundri – It is a ring worn in fingers. Made metal, Baig women llaos call it a chutki.
  13. Sudra/Surra–It is worn in the neck. It is made of gilat or silver.

Different types of marriages in tribes of Chhattisgarh

  1. Paithul Marriage– It is called Dhuku in Agaria tribe and Paidhu in Baiga tribe. It is popular in the tribes of Bastar. In this the girl enters the house of the boy of her choice and when the boy accepts her in spite of the opposition of the family the marriage is accepted by the society. Dhuku marriage also happens in Korba tribe.
  2. Lamsena – In this the young boy has to live and work in the family of the girls for many years to prove his strength and worth. This is accepted form of marriage in tribes of entire Chhattisgarh.The boy is allowed to live with the girl as her husband but the formal marriage happens after many years many-a-times after the birth of children. This type of marriage is seen in Kanwar, Gond, Bhil, Maria, Binjhwar, Agaria, Korbaetc. Kanwars call it Gharjan and Binjhwars call itt Gharjia.
  3. Guranwat – In this type of marriage girls of two families are married to the boys of each others families. Both teh marriages are held together. This is also quite common in the entire state. In Birhors it is called Golat marriage.
  4. Bhageli– This is marriage by the choice of the girl. When parents of the girls do not accept the relationship. The girl runs away from her family in the night and comes to the home of her over. There she stands under the thatched roof of the home. The boy pours water on her head and the mother of the boy them brings her into the house. The headman of the village then takes her responsibility and informs the parents of the girl that she has run away. After this the Bhanwars are held after pitching the madwa in the night. In most cases the parents of the girl also accept the marriage after taking food grains and gifts.
  5. Chadh Marriage – This is the traditional marriage in which the grrom comes to the home of the bride with a marriage party and the entire ceremony is held as per tradition. After this the groom takes the bride with him to his home.
  6. Pathoni Marriage – In this type of marriage the bride comes to the home of the groom with a marriage party where the marriage ceremony is held under a Mandap and then the bride takes the groom to her home. This type of marriage is seen in a very small way in Gonds.
  7. Udaria – This type of marriage is more like elopement. This is also called Ugharia. This is a love marriage in which the girl meets the boy in a market or some public place along with her friends even when her parents do not agree to the marriage. They go to the homeof a relative where a temporary marriage is done. After this with the help of panches and relatives the parents of the girl are made to accept the marriage and then permanent marriage is done.
  8. Parigandhan – This is marriage by purchasing the bride. It is doen mostly in Khirwar tribe.
  9. Haldi-Pani – It is widow or widower remarriage.
  10. Ar-Uto – Widow remarriage.
  11. Paisotur – Kidnapping of the bride by the groom.
  12. Pota – Marriage of a married woman with another man.


Gond is the main tribe of India. They are found in the central part of the country mainly in the Vindhyachal Satpura plateau, plains of Chhattisgarh, and hilly tracts along the banks of Godawari. They are of Autraloid arogin and Dravid family. They moved northwards along the Godawari basin and spread to the hills of central India. Their language is Gondi which is a Dravidian language.

Gond Gods and Goddesses and religion –

  1. Badadev (The creator), Dulha Dulhi Dev (The God of marriage), Panda-Pandin (The healer), Budhadev also known as Budhal Pen (The ancestor), Narayan Dev (Sun God) and Bhivasu are the main Gods of Gonds.
  2. In addition Village Gods, Khermai (Village Goddess) Thakur Dev, Khila Muthva, Marsen (The God who protects the village border), and other Gods for protection of crops, people, cattle, rains etc.
  3. These Gods are propitiated by chicken and goat sacrifice.
  4. Gonds believe in Magic, ghosts etc.
  5. Since Gonds have been under the influence of Hindu religion for a long time many of them have accepted Hindu Gods, customs and dress.
  6. According to custom the dead are buried with their head towards south. Kojji is celebrated on the third day after death and Kunda Milan is done tenth day after death.
  7. Main festivals of Gonds are Navakhani, Bindri, Bakpanthi, jawra, Madai, Chherta, Larukaj etc.
  8. Main dances of Gonds are Karma, Saila, Bhadoni, Birha, Kahrwa, Sajni, Sua, Diwani, Gedi etc.

Marriage –

  1. Like other Australoid tribes Gonds are also divided into two groups for marriage purposes and all the branches within one group are called a brotherhood (Bhai-Band). They do not intermarry in the group.
  2. There is the custom of elopement for marriage. Entire village participates in the marriage ceremony. A feast is generally held for several days and group dancing is common. There is also the custom of bride price for which bullocks and cloths are given.
  3. Marriage among cousins (maternal and paternal cousins) is accepted. It is called Dudh Lautana.

Agriculture –

  1. Gonds are mainly farmers. Traditionally they do Dahia farming in which forests are burnt for agriculture. They shift to another area after the fertility of the soil is reduced. After Government ban on shifting cultivation this practice has stopped.
  2. Entire land of the village belongs to the communityand is given to families as per need.


  1. Many Gond kings ruled in Gondwana from 15th to 17th Century.
  2. These kings built many forts, tanks and memorials. Many are known for their successful administrative abilities.
  3. At that time their rule extended to central India, Easter Uttar Pardesh and Bihar.
  4. There were four main Gond empires in the 15th Century. These were Kherla, Garh Mandla, devgarh and Chandagarh.
  5. The Gond King Bakht Buland Shah had established Nagpur and shifted his capital from Devgarh to Nagpur.
  6. Gond queen Durgawati is very famous. The tales of her valor are still sung with pride in Gondi, Halbi and Bhatri folk songs.
  7. King Sangram Shah was a brave Gond King who extended his kingdom and built new forts. In 1541 after his death Kunwar Dalpat Shah increased the army and extended the kingdom further.
  8. According to legend Gond religion was established by Pari Kupar Lingo at the time of Shambhu Shek. According to the storytellers of Gond religion the time of Shambhu Shek of Mahadev was before the advent of Aryans. 88 generations of Mahadevs are mentioned in Gondi songs (Pata). Shambhu-Mula is in the first generation, Shambhu-Gaura in the middle and Shambhu-Parvati in the last generation. Mainly Shambhu-Mula, Shambhu-Gonda, Shambhu-Saiyya, Shambhu-Ramla, Shambhu-Biro, Shambhu-Raiyya, Shambhu-Anedi, Shambhu-Thamma, Shambhu-Gawra, Shambhu-Bela, Shambhu-Tulsa, Shambhu-Ama, Shambhu-Girja, Shambhu-Sati and Shambhu-Parvati are mentioned as couples. Along with these Mahadevs, many Lingos (religious gurus) are also mentioned in stories.

Gondi Languge

  1. According to Gondi legend the Gondi Language was created by the sound of the Damru of Shambhu Shek. The language is called Gondeani or Gondvani.
  2. Being an ancient language, Gondi is a complete language in itself.
  3. It has its own script and grammar. Gondi writers have also pulbished literature in the language.

Gond tribe in Chhattisgarh

Gonds are the largest tribe of Chhattisgarh as per population. They live in Bastar, Dntewada, Narayanpur, Komdagain, Kanker, Sukma, Janjgir-Champa and Durg. They call temselves Koya or Koytor which means Hill people. 4 princely states in Chhattisgarh out of 14 were Gond States, These were Kawardha, Raigarh, Sarangarh, and Sakti.


  1. Baiga means a priest. These were traditional priests of Gonds.
  2. They have been given the status of Primitive Tribe in Chhattisgarh.
  3. Their main sub-tribes are Narotia, Bharotia, Raimaina, Kanthmaina, Remaina etc.
  4. Joint family system is found among Baigas. Mukaddam is the head of the village.
  5. They have a good knowledge of forest and herbal medicines. They also believe in magical cures.
  6. They love tattoos.
  7. Their main occupation is Jhum cultivation and hunting.
  8. They consider tiger to be their younger brother.
  9. The Lamjhena, Lamia and Lamsena marriages are found in Baigas.
  10. They wear ornaments made of Bronze, copper and Aluminum.
  11. The main folk dances are Dadaria which is danced during Dussehra festival and Pardhoni dance during weddings.
  12. They mainly live in dense forests of Chada in Mandla district of Madhya Pradesh.
  13. Main dance forms are Baigani, Karma, Dussehra, Bilma and Pardhoni. Other dances are Ghoda Paithai, Baiga Jharpat, Reena and Fag. At the time of wedding during Pardhoni dance the relatives and friends of the groom make an elephant in the courtyard of the bride and also use masks in the dance.

Uraon Tribe

  1. They live in Raigrah, Jashpur, Surguja and Bilaspur.
  2. They are named after animals, birds, fish and trees.
  3. Free sex before marriage is accepted but free sex is not permitted after marriage.
  4. Divorce, and widow remarriage is prevalent.
  5. Their main God is Dharmesh the Sun God.
  6. Menwear a dhoti and women wear Sari. Ornaments of bronze and beads are popular.
  7. Head of the village is called Manjhi. Many village together form a Parha. The head of the Parha is the Parha Raja who sttles disputes among people.
  8. They have converted to Christianity in large numbers.
  9. Main festivals are Sarhul and Katihari. Sarhul is held at the time of flowering of the Sal tree.
  10. Karma is danced at the time of paddy sowing.
  11. Their language is Kurukh
  12. The education level of Uraons is very high and many of them are on high Government posts.

Korba Tribe

  1. They live in Korba, Bilaspur, Surguja, Surajpur and eastern part of Raigarh district.
  2. They are divided into Dihari and Pahari Korba. Dihari Korbas are agriculturists. The are therefore also called Kisan Korbas.
  3. Pahari Korbas are also called Benbarias.
  4. They have their own Panchayat called Maiyari.
  5. Their main festival is Karma.
  6. Pahari Korbas have been given the status of primitive tribes.
  7. Men wear shirt and vest and women wear white sari.
  8. Their favourite drink is Hadia made from rice.
  9. They believe that plough causes pain to earth therefore they do shifting cultivation called Bewar.
  10. Their main Gods are Budha Dev, Khudia Dev, Khudia Rani, Thakur Dev, Karam Dev etc.
  11. Main festivals are Karma, Navakhani, Dewari, Sohrai, Holi etc. Singri is celebrated once in five years. Women make murals on the wall in this festival.
  12. Funeral is called Vanadhavi in which Kumari Bhat is the feast.

Maria Tribe

  1. The live in Narayanpur, Bastar, Kondagaon, and Bilaspur.
  2. They are a sub-tribe of Gonds.
  3. Bhumia, Bhihar and Pando are their other sub-tribes. “Bhimsen” is their main God.
  4. They dance with wearing horns on their head so they are also called Bison Horn Maria.

Halba Tribe

  1. They live in Bastar, Raipur, Kondagaon, Sukma, Dantewada and Durg districts.
  2. Their main sub-tribes are Bastaria, Bhateria, Chhattisgarhia etc.
  3. They are called halba because they plough the fields using a plough (Hal)


  1. This is a sub-tribe of Maria Tribe.
  2. They consider themselves to be the descendents of Kursturunga.
  3. They live in Abujhmarh of Narayanpur.
  4. They are primitive tribes.
  5. They do shifting cultivation called Pedda.
  6. Their main Goddess is Bhumi Devi.
  7. The village elders are Gaita, Gunia and Badde.
  8. Navakhani, Bidri, Madai and Danke are their main festivals.
  9. Gaur dance is their most famous dance.
  10. Abujhmarh is the remotest and most backward area of Chahttsgarh
  11. Means of communication have not reached this area.

Muria Tribe

  1. Muria tribe of Bastar is known for sense of art and culture and diversity in art forms.
  2. Their dances are Kaksar, Mandri and Gedi. These dances are famous for their sensitive portrayal of human relationships in their songs.
  3. A folk theatre form of dance with the story of ancient hunt is also prevalent in this tribe.
  4. Gedi dance is without songs. It is a very fast dance. It is the main dance of Ghotul. Women do not take part in it.
  5. Kaksar is a religious song and dance. Men wear bells of bronze or iron in their waste and also wear a beautiful headdress and umbrella.
  6. The head of a Muria Pargana is called Manjhi.
  7. Every village has a youth home or Ghotul.
  8. They worship Muria mata and Thakur Dev and Mahadev.
  9. Some cloths and coins are also buried with the dead for use in afterlife. A pillar is also erected in the memory of he dead.
  10. Their main festivals are Madai, Navakhani, Jatra, Sesa etc.
  11. They are experts in wood, bamboo craft and in painting.
  12. Their main languages are Gondi and Halbi.

Korku Tribe

  1. Korku means a group of humans.
  2. They put a fence of bamboo around their villages.
  3. They consider themselves to be a descendent of Rajputs.
  4. They worship Mahadevand moon.
  5. Sidoli is done for funeral. Dead are buried and a wood pillar is erected in the memory of dead.
  6. They live in Raigarh, Surguja, Balrampur and Jashpur districts.
  7. Their main sub-tribes are Mowasi, Bawari, Rooma, Nahala, Bodoya etc.
  8. Bride price is prevalent in this tribe.
  9. Divorce and widow remarriage is also allowed.

Binjhwar Tribe

  1. They live in Bilaspur, Raipur, Baloda Bazar districts.
  2. They worship Vidhyachal Vasini Devi.
  3. They consider themselves to be the descendent on Barah Bhai Betkar, the son of Vindhyachal Vasini Devi.
  4. Veer Narain Singh was from this tribe.

Kamar Tribe

  1. They live in Raipur, Bilaspur, Raigarh, Durg, Gariyaband, Rajnandgaon, Janjgir-Champa, Jashpur, Koria, Surguja etc.
  2. Their main God is Dulha Dev.
  3. They are mainly agricultural labour.
  4. They are experts in wood and bamboo craft.
  5. They have been given the status of Primitive Tribe.
  6. Those who live in hills are called Pahadpatia and those who live in plains are called Bandhrijia.
  7. Men keep long hair. They also carry bow and arrow and axe.
  8. Their houses are made of bamboo, grass and mud. They make a new house if someone dies.
  9. They do shifting cultivation called dahia.
  10. Touching of horse is prohibited for them. They worship Thakur Dev, Mahadev, Dulha Dev and Hanuman.
  11. The dead are buried. They believe in rebirth.

Nagesia Tribe

  1. They live in Dipadih of Ambikapur (North-East), Lakhanpur, Anuppur, Rajpur, Pratappur, Sitapur etc.
  2. Their main occupationis agriculture. They are also loggers and live in forests.

Kanwar Tribe

  1. They live mainly in Bilaspur, Raipur, Raigarh, Janjgir-Champa and Surguja.
  2. They consider themselves to be descendents of Kauravas of Mahabharata.
  3. Same Gotra marriage and widow remarriage is not allowed.
  4. Their main God is Sagrakhand.
  5. They are farmers and agriculture labor.
  6. Their traditional occupation is serving in the army.
  7. They do agriculture, rope making, cot making etc.

Khairwar Tribe

  1. They live in Surguja, Surajpur, Balrampur, and Bilaspur districts.
  2. They are also called kathwars.
  3. They are named after their occupation of making Kattha (catechu) from Khair trees.
  4. Gahira Guruji was from this tribe.
  5. Chewra Kanwar, Rathia Kanwar and Tanwar are their branches.

Bhaina Tribe

  1. They live in the Satpura and Chhota nagpur forests, mainly in Bilaspur, Janjgir-Champa, Raigarh, Raipur and Bastar districts.
  2. This tribe has originated due to admixture of Baigas and Kanwar tribes.

Birhor Tribe

  1. Birhor means forest dwellers.
  2. They live in Jashpur and Raigarh districts.
  3. They mainly depend on hunting.
  4. They have the status of primitive tribe.
  5. Their economic status is very backward.

Other Tribes

Other tribes of Chhattisgarh are Kol, Parja, Pando, Gadba, Bhatra, Agaria (those who smelt iron ore), Dhanwar, Majhwar, Pardhan, Pardhi etc.

Youth Homes of Tribes

There is a tradition of youth homes for interaction and entertainment of youth in many tribes. Sexual relations are also made in these youth homes and people also select their life partner. They are also places for teaching life skills to the young people. This tradition is now however dying out.

Youth Homes of main tribes are

  1. Muria – Ghotul
  2. Uraon – Dhumkuria
  3. Bharia – Rangbang
  4. Birhor - Gituona


  1. This became famous from the book of Verrier Elwin – The Muria and theri Ghotul.
  2. Young unmarried boys and girls of Muria tribe go to the Ghotul in the evening.
  3. It is said that Ghotul was started by the God Lingopen.
  4. The boys are called Chelik and girls are called Mutiyarin.
  5. The head of the boys is called the Sirdar. There is also a Kotwar among boys who helps the sirdar in maintaining order in the Ghotul.
  6. Head of the girls is called the Belosa.
  7. First all the boys enter the Ghotul after which the girls enter.
  8. Kotwar distributes the girls among boys.
  9. No couple is allowed to be together for more than three to four days.
  10. Girls massage the head of the boys and dress their hair.
  11. After this all dance outside the Ghotul.
  12. Married women are not allowed to dance but married men can dance.
  13. Married men mostly play musical instruments.
  14. During the dance one hand of each boy is on the shoulder of one girl and on the waste of another girl.
  15. They dance in a circle around a fire. With time the dance becomes faster.
  16. Most popular song is Rela.


  1. This is the youth home of the Uraon tribe.
  2. Members of Dhumkuria are of three age groups –
    1. Less than 13 years – Poona Joramwar.
    2. 13 to 18 years – Mathjuria Joramwar
    3. More than 18 years – Dhangar
  3. The head of the Dhumkuria is called Dhangar Mahto.
  4. The head of the girls is the senior most girl and is generally a widow. She is called badki dhangarin.
  5. Dhumkuria is called Jonkh Edpa in the Kurukh language. The female unit is called Pello Edpa or Young women Home.
  6. This also works as a training center.
  7. Dhumkuria is the heart of the Uraon tribe. It has a place for learning life skills for all young men and women.

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